The Weber Brothers | Höfner
The Weber Brothers
Violin Bass

The Weber Brothers

Maryland born brothers Ryan and Sam Weber of The Weber Brothers began a life in music at a very young age.  Ryan started playing bass at 11 years old and Sam on the guitar at 9.  There intense passion for 50s and 60s music eventually landed them at the doorstep of legendary Rockabilly frontman Ronnie Hawkins. Hawkins instilled in them an education and work ethic that few could endure. 10 years, 8 albums, and 1000s of shows later, The Weber Brothers continue to tour and perform constantly, all over Canada, Europe, and the US.  They are currently in the mixing stage for their next album release, and plans for a CD release tour are underway.

Ryan Weber plays a Hofner 500/1  V62 violin bass and has this to say about it,"Hofner is one of the few kinds of basses that when you hear one played on a recording, you know what it is, there is no question....they've got such a distinct tone.  Everybody knows that sound of course from Paul McCartney, whose bass work with the Beatles and on his own is probably my favourite sound.  I play a lot of upright bass and love it because that is a sound that can't be made on anything else, you know an upright when you hear one.  Hofner basses are the same way.

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